Stage/Egg1.tsc (Egg No. 01)

(return to the script reference page)

Official English Translation



ID Card required to remove shield.<NOD<END
Inserted the ID Card.<NOD<GIT0000<CLR
<SOU0043Shield removed.<NOD<END
Shield has been removed.<NOD<END

Official English Translation (Curly Story)



ID Card required to remove shield.<NOD<END
Inserted the ID Card.<NOD<GIT0000<CLR
<SOU0043Shield removed.<NOD<END
Shield has been removed.<NOD<END

AGTP English Translation



<KEY<FLJ0470:0202<ITJ0007:0201<TUR<MSGID Card necessary to lower shield.<NOD<END
<KEY<FL+0470<MSG<GIT1007Inserted the =ID Card=.<NOD<GIT0000<CLR
<SOU0043Shield lowered.<NOD<END
<KEY<MSG<TURShield is lowered.<NOD<END

AGTP+ English Translation by epithetic



ID Card necessary to lower shield.<NOD<END
Inserted the ID Card.<NOD<GIT0000<CLR
<SOU0043Shield lowered.<NOD<END
Shield is lowered.<NOD<END