stage/oside.sjs (Outer Wall)

(return to the Cave Story 3D script reference page)




No more...<NOD<END

I'm home!<NOD<CLO


A sign?<NOD<END

Obtained a Life Capsule.<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<ML+0002
Max life increased by 2.<NOD<END

If you're looking for the 
core then you need to
really hurry it up.<NOD<END
Get <MYD0000on.<NOD<CLO
Hold on tight.<NOD<CLO<FAC0000
And that was how you and Kazuma
safely escaped from the island.<WAI0200<CLR
Soon after, the Doctor would use the
island as his flying fortress and
strike at the surface.<WAI0200<CLR
Were the countries of the surface
able to withstand the Doctor's
relentless attacks?<WAI0200<CLR<FAO0002
That doesn't really matter...<WAI0200<CLR
After escaping, you and Kazuma live a
humble life, hidden deep within the
safe confines of mountains...<WAI0200<CLR
...and out of the Doctor's reach.<WAI0200<CLR<CMU0026
<TUR                    The End? <WAI0300<ESC


Thanks for helping debut this game!<NOD
I have only made up this much so far.<NOD
I'm thinking I'll make this next
stage ahead the last one.<NOD
With two more months we'll see
how far I can get...<NOD<END