stage/malco.sjs (Power Supply Room)

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It won't open!<NOD<END

Fan Power Supply Offline.<NOD
Malco Power Supply Offline.<NOD<CLR
Turn Power On?<YNJ0000<CLR
<SOU0043<FL+0481<CNP0201:0102:0000Power is On.<NOD<CLO
Oh Yeaaah!!<NOD<CLO
Did you know that the
Mimiga I found wasn't

Power Supply operation: Normal.<NOD<END
What are you!?!<NOD<FAC0000<KEY<CLO
Defeated Balrog!<WAI0140<NOD

She wasn't Sue!!<NOD<CLR
Because of that, the Doctor
was extremely upset.<NOD
Misery received quite the
beat down.<NOD
<FAC0014<ANP0203:0030:0000Pity, since she's just a girl.<NOD<CLR<FAC0005
Well, the master can't be
disobeyed so...<NOD
That's our fate.<NOD<CLR
This time I'm here to break
you for real.<NOD
Better prepare yourself!<NOD<CLO

Booting up...<NOD<END

It's a robot...<NOD
Looks like it's not powered-on.<NOD<END
The head's been crushed in.<NOD<FLJ0482:0302<NOD<END
Its body is jammed into the floor.<NOD<CLR
Do you want to pull its body out?<YNJ0000<CLO<WAI0050
Th--<NODThank you...<NOD<CLR
You are a good person.<NOD
And on top of that so strong!<NOD<CLR
Thank you for saving me!<NOD<CLR
I would like to do something for you to
express my gratitude!<NOD<CLR
But, with that said, I am only capable
of making bombs...<NOD<FLJ0216:0304<END

I would like to do something to
express my gratitude!<NOD<CLR
But, with that said,
I am only capable of making bombs...<NOD<FLJ0216:0304<END

You want to open the rusty door?<NOD<CLR
Someone is trapped inside!<NOD<CLR
You definitely are a good person!<NOD<CLR
I understand!<NOD
Let us make a bomb then!<NOD
We will demolish that door!<NOD<FL+0484<EVE0305
Please locate the following materials 
for the bomb:<NOD
Charcoal,<NOD Jellyfish Juice,<NOD and Gum Base.<NOD<CLR
Let us make the bomb once all the 
materials have been amassed!<NOD<END

Have you gathered all the materials?<NOD<CLR<GIT1012
Oh, it's some Charcoal!<NOD
<GIT1008And Jellyfish Juice!<NOD
<GIT1011The Gum Base, too!<NOD<CLR
I will commence making the bomb 
It is complete!<NOD<GIT1013<IT+0013<FL+0221<CLR
<CMU0010Obtained the Bomb.<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<CLR
Now, go and blow up that door!<NOD<END

Now, hurry and destroy that door!<NOD<END
Please come and visit again...<NOD
...Even if I can't serve you any tea.<NOD<END

Long time no see!<NOD<CLR
I am very happy you decided to come
and visit me.<NOD
I get lonely here all by myself.<NOD
... I have been thinking of booting up
a spare robot and throwing a party.<NOD<CLR
I apologize that I do not have any
tea to serve you.<NOD<END