Speedruns and High Scores
Below are the current high scores and the names of the individuals of whom have accomplished the best score/time possible of various challenges in Cave Story and other games by Pixel.
Some examples of these challenges are speed runs, (completing the game in the fastest time possible), and low hp runs (getting through difficult areas with the minimum level of HP or items) and pretty much any other challenge categories that other Cave Story fans can think of. Feel free to suggest new categories.
In order for a time or score to be listed here a video of the run must be available.
*Note* This section is somewhat difficult to maintain since it is hard to tell who was able to accomplish what deeds with/without using cheats such as infinite life, time alterations, et cetera. However the information presented is to the best of my knowledge, which in turn equals the best of the knowledge that has been presented to me. : ) Please feel free to send me what information you have as to what the best times/scores are for these categories.
Cave Story Hell Speedruns
This section is devoted to a secret bonus stage known as either Sacred Grounds, Sanctuary, or Hell. You can record your times in this stage if you have the Nikumaru Counter or 290 Counter.
The original Cave Story runs at 50 frames per second, while Cave Story+, Cave Story WiiWare, Cave Story+ Switch and the like run at 60 frames per second, so the best times between the two are kept separate. In addition Cave Story 3D is different enough to warrant a separate category, the most obvious differences being the rebalancing of the game versus the original and the increase in health.
Normal Run (50fps):
2'04"9 by periwinkle
3HP Minimal Items (50fps):
3'42"4 by 3DPlayer
Normal Run (60fps):
1'47"9 by periwinkle
3HP Minimal Items (60fps):
2'42"3 by periwinkle
Cave Story 3D:
1'32"8 by YoshiPilot
Cave Story Full Game Speedruns
The Cave Story full game runs of are now following the same rules used by speedrun.com for starting and ending times for the sake of consistency. Best ending runs are considered finished on the island falling cutscene. Normal ending runs are considered finished when the hud disappears after jumping off of the island. Bad ending runs are considered finished on boarding the Sky Dragon.
Once again 50fps and 60fps runs are kept separate. Cave Story 3D and Cave Story+ Switch are also kept separate due to major differences.
Best Ending
Best Ending (50fps):
0:54:47 by periwinkle
Normal Mode Best Ending (60fps):
0:46:52 by periwinkle
Easy Mode Best Ending (60fps):
0:46:44 by periwinkle
Hard Mode Best Ending (60fps):
0:55:47 by periwinkle
Normal Ending
Normal Ending (50fps):
0:48:37 by periwinkle
Normal Mode Normal Ending (60fps):
0:41:38 by periwinkle
Easy Mode Normal Ending (60fps):
0:41:26 by periwinkle
Hard Mode Normal Ending (60fps):
0:49:27 by periwinkle
Bad Ending
Bad Ending (50fps):
0:38:17 by periwinkle
Normal Mode Bad Ending (60fps):
0:32:46 by periwinkle
Easy Mode Bad Ending (60fps):
0:32:32 by periwinkle
Hard Mode Bad Ending (60fps):
0:38:08 by periwinkle
Get Panties
Get Panties (50fps):
0:17:56 by periwinkle
Normal Mode Get Panties (60fps):
0:15:20 by periwinkle
Easy Mode Get Panties (60fps):
0:15:10 by periwinkle
Hard Mode Get Panties (60fps):
0:16:07 by periwinkle
Cave Story+ Switch Full Game Speedruns
Due to major differences such as puppy stacking, holding multiple jellyfish juice at once, cutscene skipping, and co-op amongst others, the switch port will also be treated as a separate category for full game runs, but not for Hell speedruns.
Best Ending
Normal Mode Best Ending:
0:34:45 by periwinkle
Normal Mode Best Ending Co-Op:
1:24:22 by SofaLinden and sofatrevor
Easy Mode Best Ending:
0:35:13 by periwinkle
Hard Mode Best Ending:
0:47:13 by SilverLeaf
Normal Ending
Normal Mode Normal Ending:
0:31:54 by periwinkle
Normal Mode Normal Ending Co-Op:
0:43:46 by Setonkeys and RepentMF
Easy Mode Normal Ending:
0:30:21 by periwinkle
Hard Mode Normal Ending:
0:46:23 by SilverLeaf
Hard Mode Normal Ending Co-Op:
1:46:48 by Anju_del and SKG_Flameshock
Bad Ending
Normal Mode Bad Ending:
0:24:43 by periwinkle
Normal Mode Bad Ending Co-Op:
0:35:40 by Kablemo and Wiljam64
Easy Mode Bad Ending:
0:24:54 by periwinkle
Easy Mode Bad Ending Co-Op:
0:33:36 by Anju_del and SKG_Flameshock
Hard Mode Bad Ending:
0:37:22 by periwinkle
Get Panties
Normal Mode Get Panties:
0:11:22 by periwinkle
Easy Mode Get Panties:
0:11:13 by periwinkle
Hard Mode Get Panties:
0:11:39 by periwinkle
Cave Story+ Challenge Mode Speedruns
These are speedrun records for the challenge modes in Cave Story+, including the switch port.
Sanctuary Time Attack:
2'10"1 by Quote
Wind Fortress:
1'32"1 by Altair357
Sand Pit:
2'09"6 by NatGoesFast
Nemesis Challenge:
1'15"2 by periwinkle
Machine Gun Challenge:
1'26"7 by NatGoesFast
The Non-Stop Boss Rush is a mode in Cave Story+ that is only available using some rather specific TSC edits to the Boss Rush scripts. You can find more information on how to enable Non-Stop Boss Rush mode here.
While minor edits to one of the game scripts are necessary to enable this mode, it does not mean that anything goes. As with any run here, anything that affects the run itself will cause it to be disqualified.
Non-Stop Boss Rush:
4'39"5 by zxin
Misc Cave Story Mod Speedruns
Sometimes Cave Story mods (game modifications) incorporate timed challenges that are widely adopted.
Boss Rush (SeriousFace) Non-Stop Mode:
3'40"5 by periwinkle
SeriousFace submitted his mod to Nicalis, and it became the basis for the Boss Rush mode in CS+. Hence why this looks so similar to the Non-Stop Boss Rush mode in CS+.
The Air Is Spikes:
2'36"2 by X-Calibar
For "The Air Is Spikes" higher times are better.
Task Force:
3'39"1 by X-Calibar
Speedruns for video game (a Cave Story Mod)
Hard Mode:
1'18"4 by RareBeeph
Time Attack:
1'11"0 by RareBeeph
Shotgun Challenge:
1'17"6 by RareBeeph
Tectonic Tower:
1'06"0 by RareBeeph
Cave Story's Secret Santa Full Game Speedruns
Reach Jenka's House:
0:07:26 by BowieS
All Cookies:
0:18:52 by Snafful
Kero Blaster Boss Rush Speedruns
Boss Rush is a bonus mode that can be found in Kero Blaster after completing Omake Mode. It was originally possible to beat the 4th boss (N577) in 0 seconds in boss rush mode because the timer didn't start until the boss emerged from its enclosure, but the boss could be damaged using the level 2 Kuro Blaster prior to emerging. This exploit was patched out in v1.4.0, so we are splitting runs that used this exploit into a separate category.
No Zero Second N577:
1'23"80 by GIRakaCHEEZER
Zero Second N577:
1'12"30 by GIRakaCHEEZER
The Death Beam is a weapon that can only be obtained in Kero Blaster by upgrading the Laser Uzi through save hacking. It is extremely overpowered, and hacking your save to include it in your arsenal will void you for a normal boss rush time, as such this category now exists.
Death Beam Without Zero Second N577:
0'41"51 by BrambleBro
Death Beam With Zero Second N577:
0'27"33 by GIRakaCHEEZER
Kero Blaster Full Game Speedruns
Full game runs of Kero Blaster are considered finished at the point in time where the final boss is defeated, except for zangyou runs, which are considered finished on picking up the last phone.
Normal Mode:
0:23:39 by SampleSize
Zangyou Mode:
0:29:49 by SamPhantom
Ikachan Full Game Speedruns
Full game runs of Ikachan are considered finished when the credit image kicks in.