Star Frog (Gero Blaster)

The precursor to Kero Blaster. It was dropped late in development. For most of its development it was named Star Frog, but received the name Gero Blaster for the reveal trailer. Pixel has moved away from the name Gero Blaster and back to Star Frog when referring to this game. It featured a completely different story, direction, enemies and bosses to Kero Blaster.
Testflight Builds
In 2023 it was discovered that a leak of Apple's Testflight servers contained 4 builds of Star Frog. Note that these are very old builds. The highest numbered version found was 0.118. For comparison the Gero Blaster trailer was for version 0.6. This is listed here for historical purposes only, don't expect a complete gaming experience. You can download all 4 ipas, a rough English translation of 0.118, plus Windows and Android builds of touchHLE designed for emulating Star Frog here (custom touchHLE source code can be found here if needed). The Windows touchHLE build has gamepad mappings configured, but you need to enable the up input in the debug menu to aim up (in gameplay click on the pause icon at the top-left, open the debug menu, and enable the middle of the 3 unlabled buttons). To use keyboard controls use key2joy with this profile.