Stage/Cthu.tsc (Cthulhu's Abode)

(return to the script reference page)

Official English Translation



This is highly unusual.
You're a soldier from the surface,
are you not?<NOD
Where is your blonde pal?<NOD<CLR
You lost your memory?
Heh heh...<NOD<END
Well, you better wander around until
the batteries run out.<NOD<END

Official English Translation (Curly Story)



This is highly unusual.
You're a girl from the surface,
are you not?<NOD
Where is your quiet friend?<NOD<CLR
<FAC0019No idea green guy!<NOD<END
Well, you better wander around until
the batteries run out.<NOD<END

AGTP English Translation



<KEY<FLJ1290:0201<FL+1290<MSGOho.<NOD<CLRA soldier from the surface?
Didn't expect to see you
Where are the others?<NOD<CLR.....<NOD<CLRWhat's that?
Your memory's gone?<NOD
<KEY<MSGWell, till your juice runs
out, have fun wandering.<NOD<END

AGTP+ English Translation by epithetic



<KEY<FLJ1290:0201<FL+1290<MSGHey.<NOD<CLRWell this is unusual.
You're a soldier from the surface,
aren't you?<NOD
What happened to your fellow-<NOD<CLR.....<NOD<CLRWhat's that?
Your memory's gone?<NOD
<KEY<MSGWell, till your juice runs out,
have fun wandering.<NOD<END