About the MG.Net Forums and Some New Changes to the Registration/Profile Fields

May 31, 2007 at 7:05 AM
Visitor From the Past...
Forum Founder
Join Date: Jun 15, 2004
Location: Georgia
Posts: 367
Age: 43
Some New Changes to the Registration/Profile Fields

Hi everyone,

I guess tonight I finally got fed up with the fact that just about everyone who has ever registered here up to the present date had to pick through a small category of reffering websites that seem to bear no real tangible meaning as to why you originally made the choice to come here, so I decided to change it and added three new categories to the list of selections.

1. Cave Story Tribute Site
2. XyZ
3. Zelda 3 Challenge: Quest for Calatia

Now the profile field of 'Reffering Website' should make a bit more sense to those who register.

Also, I changed the 'Occupation' field to 'Favorite Game/Game Series' since I've always thought the occupation field was a bit too bland as most of us in our age group are either students or are probably too young to yet be placed within an occupation that is desired.

* If any of you ever want to update your profiles, you can do so by visiting your control panel and editing your profile.
