
  1. Shirleyxml

    Manually Refill Booster v2.0 Fuel?

    Hello, I've been wanting to make a short and sweet (and unnerving) Cave Story mod, and one of the mechanic concepts I had in mind was having the Booster v2.0 run out of fuel, and if you tried to use it while it had no fuel, it would show the "EMPTY" text like if you had no ammo for the Machine...
  2. yelp

    Cave Story Deluxe 3.0 (again???)

    This is the third thread about cave story deluxe 2.0. but this time it's different, No more cringe and no rick rolls. I don't own NOTHING in any Shape, kind or form, The things inside this bundle goes to their respective owners. (and please read README.txts) honorable mentions: PIXEL, SkyeWelse...