Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

Wish we knew what's going in her friend group.
@ King In her last profile post you appear to 'partially' blame her for someone's death? And provide text images on a public space. Whether true or not, from an outsider's perspective that's basically a public slap to the face. Even if you meant no ill intent(?), it still looks like a type of personal attack imo. But two opposing thoughts can be true at once. Yes, I hope Kim is doing okay too.
King (2.0)
King (2.0)
@Serri Regarding her friend group, I think there's something going on. Something that involves Shane. Sorry about that.
@X-Calibar: Kim left a day before I sent those messages. I only sent them publicly because she couldn't use PMs (I asked her if she could use PMs, she said no). Bloom wanted Kim's help and I felt frustrated when all Kim did was make excuses for Ellen.