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When I said I disagreed with what @BLink said, I meant that trying to avoid using ASM can be a fun challange and a way to sharpen your TSC pencil. But unlike what some people now apparently think of me, I am NOT okay with avoiding ASM to taunt/provoke people since that only spawns more toxicity. If you're one of those people who thought I was okay with taunting like that, then I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
"Not using assembly for the sake of not using assembly is bad....Unless it's done with the intent to taunt avid ASM users."
If you can make a good game, competing with ASM isn't an issue.

An example being me vs BLink, I can make a good mod, and he can make a good mod, but we both take different paths.
@BLink for me it'd be more like "Not using assembly because you don't wanna is fine, unless it's done with the intent to taunt avid ASM users".
I know you're better than this at English Miccs. You're not going to just straight up completely reverse what was said that easily by changing the topic point.

Making "avid ASM users" a target for bullying is not cool. Especially considering that they work the hardest on what they do to put in the time to learn and master it in the first place. It's the same as dissing on ORG makers, completely nonsensical.
blink i think you're reading stuff wrong, you originally aked if "Not using assembly for the sake of not using assembly is bad" and miccs disagreed, meaning that not using assembly for the sake of not using assembly is okay, unless to taunt ASM users (meaning that not using assembly for the sake of taunting ASM users is bad)
yeah everybody who makes orgs is a million times smarter and better and cooler and more radicaller than those dumb losers who use 15 bajilon oggs
I'm not even trying to change the subject, Blink. I'm trying to make sure nobody accidentally thinks that I am ok with bullying or taunting. I mean, why would I like that??
I'm also kinda confused on where this ORG maker dissing comes from, actually.
"I mean, why would I like that??" I don't know, considering that you've passively aggressively dissed on the CSMC multiple times I would wonder.

@Sora655 Maybe you're right, I've just had a bad time with Miccs in the past and tend to believe that he does just want to aggravate me at times.

Also ORG making is a comparable skill to ASM in that it takes a lot of time to learn, has good benefits and is not necessary to make a mod, albeit will be of lesser quality with these elements missing. Point being trashing ORG makers and ASM users is stupid.
comparing org makers to asm users isn't really a fair argument