Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

Basically, it started as a serious message I made to Capstablook, because they are claiming an OC as their own (that or they're using someone's character without any permission at all). Andwhy then copied it because it's a joke on plagiarism itself. And then TheDoctor thought how funny it would be to make it a meme.
The origin of this meme is even more stupid than the meme itself. OC's are bad in general, and since that Cap isn't infringing any rights by using one that isn't theirs, it's perfectly legal. Sure, it may sound "rude" and "unethical", but let Cap do their thing. That's me writing about "Hansel and Gretel" and have someone tell me to "stop plagiarizing others work" even though I'm not doing anything legally unacceptable. Yes, these scenarios are vastly different, but in essence the same concept. I'm not sure what OC we're talking about, but if we're talking about "Capstablook", then the original creator of the OC is technically infringing on Undertale, and thus doing something illegal. Unless putting a hat on something and calling it something else is legal... Which it... Maybe is??? I dunno, but this whole thing is dumb. Legally Cap is totally cool, ethically he's also cool because OC's suck anyways so who cares if they are copied??? (Please let this comment become a meme too)
Original character. And yes, he stole Jenn, and he's not even giving any credit to Jonspider. Now please, stop being a fucking troll and not give any misinformation.
Where did this happen? (The stealing of Jenn)
We need to have a CSTSF scare......