Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

Tell that to SEBTI. He's the one who started getting angry when I critiqed his mod.
I'm always chill when I'm doing this type of stuff.
At the most, snippy, but never angsty.
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
I'm not just saying it because of the incident on the SEBTI thread. You really, really need to lighten up. I get the impression from you that you try way, way, waaay too hard to be professional and take yourself way too seriously.

Perhaps I'm being biased because I'm friends with SEBTI, but I agree with him. Nitpicking the tiniest details, such as being 15 minutes late for April Fool's day, is meaningless and makes you look like an alpha-douche for caring about it so much.

I usually dislike confronting people because I'm not a fan of forum drama, but please, try to pull that stick out of your ass.
I fail to understand how being a downer is my problem. I might put varying amounts of effort into making a post elloquent, but my posts generally reflect me as a person. And this is the first of four online communities not to like that. Also, the fifteen minute late nitpicking was just a banter, sheesh. I thought I was the one who failed at detecting sarcasm here. Why have you chosen to confront me? Was it that you have particular frustration towards me? Or that you see more potential in me as a member, if only I could overcome a certain hurdle in handling myself that you refer to as "pulling a stick out of my ass."?