Recent content by deltaeon

  1. deltaeon

    Insert X, Receive Y

    You recieve a restraining order and $20 dollars I insert a ps vita 2000
  2. deltaeon

    Machine gun trade?

    Why is curly willing to trade her supposed "high quality" machine gun for quote's "thrashed" polar star? I'm assuming that the reason the machine gun is at level 1 when you fight curly is because if you do trade you have to upragade it.
  3. deltaeon

    What is love?

    What is love?
  4. deltaeon

    Insert X, Receive Y

    you receive a useless blue brick I insert a fatih cannon
  5. deltaeon

    Insert X, Receive Y

    You receive an instruction manual I insert a ratchet retchet
  6. deltaeon

    Christopher walken vs. Morgan freeman?

    Christopher walken vs. Morgan freeman?
  7. deltaeon


    That makes sense as jenka is not concerned when quote beats omega and meets her, but why would a research group go to the sandzone, and what were they looking for? Indubitably
  8. deltaeon

    <a href=''...

    <a href='' class='bbc_url' title=''>http://www.cavestory...-story-busters/</a>
  9. deltaeon

    Insert X, Receive Y

    You receive nothing, starve to death, and die alone Bear meat I insert Captain Benjamin Sisko
  10. deltaeon

    Insert X, Receive Y

    You receive a bucket of rain I insert a cheap fountain pen
  11. deltaeon

    Team 9 retreat?

    Makes sense that the core somehow closed the lift to make sure nothing could escape. I suppose that I had been thinking that the team 9 robot somehow ordered the door to close.
  12. deltaeon

    never say never

    never say never
  13. deltaeon

    Team 9 retreat?

    Why is it before the core fight, the last member of team 9 says "retreat" but the lift closes thereby cutting of their exit? Also what was the purpose of team 9?
  14. deltaeon

    What did you dream about last night?

    I dreamt about ASMR, some fancy looking Ikachan ripoff, an interrogation in my house and some people shooting calcium darts then later swords into my house.
  15. deltaeon

    hmm I might recognize you but then again...

    hmm I might recognize you but then again...