Recent content by Cryptos

  1. Cryptos

    Discuss... ME

    Maybe not.....
  2. Cryptos

    Discuss... ME

  3. Cryptos

    Discuss... ME

    Also... Cryptos.
  4. Cryptos

    Discuss... ME

    You said "back hole" not "black hole."
  5. Cryptos

    Discuss... ME

    Owls...? And what exactly is a "back hole?" Also, I intended for it to go off topic..
  6. Cryptos

    Discuss... ME

    What do you think of BESIDES me when you think of me?
  7. Cryptos

    Discuss... ME

    For no reason... what is the first thing you think of when you think of me?
  8. Cryptos

    Vortex Story

    Thinking. A whole lot of thinking.
  9. Cryptos

    The Wish-Granting Game

    uhh....granted? I wish Dunc2403 would make wishes I could understand...
  10. Cryptos

    The Wish-Granting Game

    Granted. qwertyuiop[]\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./ I wish cancer didn't exist.
  11. Cryptos

    The Wish-Granting Game

    Granted. (insert non-ridiculous twist here) I wish for the next message after this one.
  12. Cryptos

    The Wish-Granting Game

    Granted. But he's not releasing it. I wish that nothing would cost any money. Ever.
  13. Cryptos

    The Wish-Granting Game

    Uhh...granted? I wish for a 5 pound block of cheese.
  14. Cryptos

    The Wish-Granting Game

    Granted. Now you have to think 10 hours. I wish for my next wish after this to not be horribly twisted.
  15. Cryptos

    The Wish-Granting Game

    Uhh... granted...? I wish for.... something that doesn't kill anybody.