First Avatar ~ Smile

First Avatar ~ Smile

Jan 18, 2013-Apr 05, 2013
Jun 05, 2013-Jul 05, 2013
Oct 01, 2013-Dec 06, 2013
Jan 18, 2014-Feb 05, 2014
May 16, 2014-Jul 01, 2014
Oct 02, 2014-Oct 24, 2014
Jan 18, 2015-Feb 14, 2015
Mar 10, 2015-Mar 26, 2015
Aug 01, 2015-Oct 05, 2015
Aug 04, 2016-Oct 10, 2016
Mar 07, 2017-Jun 09, 2017
Jan 18, 2019-Oct 14, 2019

This is the very first avatar I used. It's a crop from Gardevoir Guffaw, and admittedly it didn't look this pretty when I used it. I recently did a proper touch-up using Paint.NET, as opposed to cropping it with my phone as I did before, and I removed an in-the-way arm.

In the future, whenever I want to go back to this avatar, I can use this one. And I /will/ go back to it, as I'm not the sort to just jump from one avatar to the next willy-nilly. Well, I am, but I just about always loop back to rekindle old flames eventually. :>

This picture first served as, well, my first real avatar, anywhere, and remains a steadfast. It's somewhat reserved and had trust issues...both trust in others and in itself. Over time, however, it has seen, learned and done many things.
"Jan 18, 2013-Apr 05, 2013"
"Jan 18, 2013-Feb 05, 2013"
[quote name="HaydenStudios" timestamp="1394635351"]"Jan 18, 2013-Apr 05, 2013""Jan 18, 2013-Feb 05, 2013"[/quote]
I meant 2014, but the dates are correct.
I remember this. Sadly Vresun is gone, so all the memories associated with it are the only things left. I'm sorry, I remember this being the first avatar you used, I though you were female at first, then it turns out that I forget that Male Gardevoir exist. Ah well, it's been great. :)

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