Why Quote and Curly have an amnesia?

Nov 7, 2011 at 4:50 PM
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Same reason I had to format my old hard drive, he contracted Backdoor.Win32.DkSubot.qyh from Curly.
Possibly even some variation of the Win32.mimg.a worm.

If you have any Curly-related content on your computer, i'd advise its swift removal,
and then run a full virus scan on your system just to be safe. =/
Nov 7, 2011 at 7:13 PM
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Mixer8421 said:


Anyways, Quote and Curly have amnesia cause...

their previous journey had a NDE (Near-Death Experience)
We saw how simply nearly drowning caused some type of amnesia to Curly in Cave Story... So, if they were badly damaged in the battle with the previous Crown Bearer, or something around that time; they could have gotten amnesia.

What I'm curious about is... If Quote or Curly's Life-functions cease, can they be repaired to live again? We saw how the Killer Robot Scout in the Core was able to reboot... [although short lived]...

Is it possible that Quote or Curly may have died? But, were repaired and rebooted? If that's true...

But, then again the Core Killer Robot was a skeleton, as with most robots. Q & C on the other hand, look a lot more organic. If they have some kind of organic parts, then maybe they didn't die but just fell into a coma-like sleep?
Nov 7, 2011 at 8:21 PM
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Did Curly have amnesia? Or, are we talking about when she drowned and lost her memory?
Nov 7, 2011 at 10:22 PM
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MetaSeraphim said:
Did Curly have amnesia? Or, are we talking about when she drowned and lost her memory?

Curly had some kind of amnesia before the drowning :
From the Wii TL :
I'm Curly Brace.
I've been with these little-
ones since before I can-

I don't recall anything-
before that...
Apparently, it's so-called-
memory loss.

I may have been a Mimiga-
killer, just like the other-
Some reason she knew her name, had general common knowledge, had basic skills, language, fighting abilities all intact. She woke up with the little Mimiga children and raised them under the assumption that she might have been a Killer Robot, but does not want to hurt any Mimigas.

This is demonstrated two-fold when she drowns and loses her memories of fighting through the labyrinth with Quote... she awakens and recognizes Mimigas, but not Quote...

Quote on the other hand PROBABLY has amnesia... but he never actually talks, so we can only assume it's true. (Seems to be the case from what Ctuhulu says...)
It does make it easy to put the player in Quote's shoes though, since the events that unfold are all new to you (and apparently him), and you act accordingly.

When Curly eats the memory mushroom, she is able to recall an unspecified amount of history ...
Now I remember!
Your name's Quote!

You and I are...

Quote and Curly could have just been created for the sole purpose the mission... But, just because she jumps to what's important to the game doesn't mean she could have a lot longer history. Her dialogue only states they were sent on this mission, rather than created for this mission.

And ...
But that was simply the-
beginning of the tragedy.
The man who was able to-
capture the crown turned-
the Mimiga into beasts,
and they began attacking-
the surface.

I faced him and tried my best-
to defeat him.
You were with me then.


That's all I can remember.

The crown bearer was-
surely injured by both our-
attacks that time.

How about you?
Can you recall something?
Is where Curly's memories end. So something must have happened during the battle against the previous Crown bearer...

It IS interesting that when Curly wakes up she cannot remember Quote and the kind of person she was, but she can remember liking the Mimigas and disliking other killer robots.

What could that mean?

edit : btw... wb MetaSeraphim! :p
Nov 8, 2011 at 12:33 AM
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They need to do way instain pixel> give their quote and curly an amnesia. because these character cant frigth back? it was on the news this mroing an indie programer in ar who had her three character given an amnesia. they are taking the three character back to new york too programer to rest my pary are with the graphic designer who list his character ; i am truey sorry for your lots
Nov 8, 2011 at 12:45 AM
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I didn't understand a word you said. Sucessful troll is sucessful?
Nov 8, 2011 at 8:22 PM
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First Quote caught a computer virus that erases the memory banks. When Quote inserted his USB into Curly's socket he transmitted the disease. It's called an STD.