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  1. N

    Cave Story Assembly dump, anyone have it?

    I lost mine, did anyone save the assembly dump of Cave Story's EXE from a while back?
  2. N

    Camera focus bug.

    I didn't see this until recently, but when you use the focus TSC command to focus on an entity, and then continue playing, the vertical focus speed remains the same as the defined TSC command, not the default speed, which the horizontal focus returns to. Like, if you set <FOM0001, the vertical...
  3. N

    Nator's New Modification

    No, it's not related to Legacy Story.
  4. N

    Post your Picture

    I'm ugly, how about you
  5. N

    new project

    still in-progress. i still haven't removed the timer yet. the ship is still not vectored right, it's all in-progress!! its flash, btw
  6. N

    Help me please.

    Could someone hook me up with an old version of guxt, the 0800 version. I lost my copy and I want to play all the versions...
  7. N

    3rd set of character sprites

    If you've looked in Legacy Story's Mychar.pbm file, you'll see that I have 3 sets of chracter srites, but I have no idea on how to actually get the game to understand to pull the current character's sprite from the third set. I know this is somewhat of an assembly hack on this level, but I don't...
  8. N

    Are you man enough to use the Polar Star only?!!

    I'm going to do a 3HP run, using only the Polar Star, going all the way to hell! That is, if you are allowed to skip Santa giving you the fireball. I'll see if this is true... (edit: nop, you can't. oh well, I'll just not use A/S, then.) Anyway, who else is with me? This would truly be a...
  9. N

    Legacy Story You can download it here.
  10. N

    Cave Story: Legacy (or something like that)

    Oh ye gods, another mod! D: It takes place during the first "crowning", or whathave you, becuase I want to make up a backstory/ies for the people in that statue room. So, in this case, the antagonist is "Halda", according to the game (correct me if I'm wrong). I'm still learning how to script...